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送貨方式 Mode of Delivery (Taiwan)

  • 一般宅配 Ordinary Shipping
  • 7-11,全家,萊爾富 取貨,貨到付款 7-11, FamilyMart, HiLife pickup, and payment
  • 宅配貨到付款 Cash on delivery

付款方式 Mode of Payment

  • 貨到付款 Cash on Delivery
  • ATM

Mode of Delivery (Worldwide)

  • 一般宅配 Ordinary Shipping

付款方式 Mode of Payment (Worldwide)

  • Paypal
  • 出貨時間 Delivery Time


    If goods are available, goods will be shipped within 5 business days. For preorder / out of stock the leadtime is 10-20 business days. 

    換貨/退貨 Exchange/Return Goods





    Our policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Shipping costs are non-refundable. 

    Because of Safety and Personal Hygiene issues, any earrings, necklace and rings cannot be returned if used.

    Non-defective item, the customer will handle the shipping fee.

    Please contact our customer service.

    Contact Us:

    Facebook: expressionacc
    Instagram: expressionaccessories
    Email: [email protected]